Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Sharon Contreras Clarifies Her Remarks in a Letter to Vera House

Just posted on is Superintendent Contreras' clarification of her remarks about the sexual assault that took place at H.W. Smith K-8. There is no apology, no talk of steps that are being put into place to provide a higher level of protection to our kids, no explanation of why she has said nothing for a week.

What are your thoughts on this? Did her letter go far enough?

John King is Coming to Town

For those of you who may not know yet, the NY State Commissioner of Education is coming to town for his second public forum. He will be at Fayetteville-Manlius High School on Tuesday, December 3rd from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The stated purpose of the forum is to give King, along with members of the Board of Regents, an opportunity to meet with parents and educators to discuss the Common Core Standards and other education reforms.

If he truly wanted to meet with parents and educators, why is the forum scheduled at a time when most teachers are still trying to wind up their school day and parents are still at work? And wouldn't it take place at a location that is more central than Fayetteville-Manlius High School? Perhaps even hold it in the city...

Do they want a truly meaningful dialogue? 
That that will only happen when all interested parties are at the table, 
not just the one who controls the agenda.

In spite of the time challenges, we would love to see a large contingent of SCSD teachers and parents at this forum. Recognizing that people are hesitant to commit to showing up on this blog for fear of reprisal, you can email us to help with the planning or just keep watching for meeting details.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What Do We Hope to Accomplish?

WOW! The response to this blog has been overwhelming. Thank you!

From the Syracuse City School District Interim Student Code of Conduct, which is to be voted on December 11, 2013.

"The Syracuse City School District Board of Education ("Board")
is committed to providing a safe, civil, and orderly school environment
where students may receive and district personnel may deliver
quality educational services without disruption or interference.
Responsible behavior by students, teacher, other district personnel,
parents and visitors is essential to achieving this goal."

It has quickly become apparent that this is not happening now. The safety issues that parents at H.W. Smith have brought to the forefront are not isolated to that school, but exist in EVERY school. We want our children and school personnel to be safe at school, which cannot happen in a climate that many of our teachers feel is hostile, lawless and downright dangerous.

The time has come to demand change from our Board of Education.

Not lip service, but real substantive change.

The Board of Education is responsible not just for fiscal governance, but also for oversight of the Superintendent. We ask that the Board step in and do the following:
  • Investigate the root cause for the reports of a culture of fear, intimidation and retaliation directed at teachers and building administration by the central office.
  • Create a code of conduct that imposes real consequences for disruptiveness, disrespect, misbehavior and criminal conduct, not slaps on the wrist and excuses, while still complying with our kids' New York state constitutional right to receive an education.
  • Create a distance between yourselves and the Superintendent and The Broad Academy, in order to facilitate objectivity in your oversight.
  • And last, but not least, keep in mind that in spite of what some people may believe...
Civility, respect, citizenship, character, tolerance,
honesty and integrity ARE NOT just middle-class values.

Why are we asking for this? Because every student is entitled to a safe, orderly school, free of bullying and harassment, where they can learn. Because the only way teachers can be effective at their job is to know that the highest levels of their management support them and will do everything possible to ensure that they are safe.

Now the hard part... We believe that the only way we can force the Board of Education to take action is to provide concrete examples of the violence and disrespect that is taking place in our schools. So many examples that they are unable to look away. We need parents, teachers and students to report - in detail, but without names or confidential information - incidents that they are aware of.

If you fear reprisal, your post may remain anonymous. And, for those of you who have expressed concern that we are district or Broad Academy administrators trying to "trap" you, carefully evaluate whether we would be asking for this information in such a public way.

We need your help!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Time is Now to Take Back Our Schools!

We, the parents of the Syracuse City School District, are concerned about escalating violence and disruptiveness in our schools. In a time of constant and deep budget cuts, not to mention implementation of new learning standards and an entirely new curriculum, the need for a safe and orderly environment is more critical than ever to ensure that our kids can learn in crowded classrooms.

While this site will evolve, our first priority is to bring parent concerns about violence and safety in our schools to forefront, in order to ensure public awareness and to request accountability and action on the part of our highest levels of administration and the Board of Education.

Our initial goal for this site is to provide parents, students and teachers with a safe place to report concerns at individual schools. We invite you to post your comments and concerns about safety and discipline at your school. In the interest of confidentiality, DO NOT provide names of alleged victims or perpetrators.

All reader comments will be approved before final posting and every effort will be made to "vet" allegations.