- The first from a former teacher, encouraging parents to unite.
"As a former teacher, I am appalled with the current situations in the SCSD. The parents need to unite for the safety and education of their children. There is nothing more important in this stage of a child's life than the opportunity to learn and succeed in school. Find out what is working in other schools, and replicate it! No excuses."
- The second is from a parent, encouraging fellow parents to get involved and speak up.
"I am a parent. I am not in the schools every day. On occasion I have witnessed a fight, witnessed a middle school boy gyrating on a door, etc. These are "tame" incidents I am sure. The voices that are not being heard in this arena and MUST be heard are those of students and TEACHERS who are witness to the daily incidents of violence spoken by Ken Ahern. Teachers know, TA's know, secretaries know, janitors know, café workers know what happens in the schools.
SPEAK NOW! The time is here for change. The time is here to speak for the students who want safe classrooms and schools."
They are right! We all need to make our voices heard - parents, students, and teachers. If you'd like to join the chorus, email us at scsdtakebackourschools@gmail.com.
We will NOT quote from the final letter that we'd like to discuss. We know that everyone has their own individual tolerances. We have been criticized for allowing comments to be published that contain profanity in student quotes. However, we feel that it is important to expose the levels of disrespect the district continues allowing to flourish unchecked, and so have repeated those quotes. What we do NOT feel is necessary is to add to the racial tension that already is a component in this discussion. That being said, we WILL NOT publish comments that are or may be racially inflammatory.