Saturday, February 15, 2014

Please Keep Reporting

The floodgates have opened.

People are listening.

Don't stop now.

The "Be Heard" meeting on Thursday night was a powerful first step. More than 100 brave teachers came forward and shared concerns about inappropriate behaviors, violence, and lack of support from administration at both building and district levels. A synopsis of the results of the data survey that was done is below:
  • 11 complaints about language
  • 17 complaints regarding lack of consequences
  • 11 reports of safety concerns
  • 16 teachers report being fearful
  • 16 reports of physical violence
  • 5 reports of no support from administration
  • 8 reports that referrals are ignored or disregarded
  • 10 reports of property damage
  • 10 Complaints directly about the superintendent
  • 5 reports of threats being made
Details of the incidents will follow. But this is scary, scary stuff...

While the "Group of 10" work on the framework for the immediate action plan, we need to keep our stories in the forefront. Comment here. Comment on Keep the pressure on!


  1. Thank you so much! Our union is so scared and concerned about being politically correct that we can not rely on them to assist us any longer! I can't blame union leaders as they are frightened by the superintendent too. Many teachers are really scared so they deal with abuse by students and building principals. Yes, building principals become vindictive during observations!

  2. Can we try to get STA to support this blog?

  3. Why should the Union be afraid. We PAY them to fight for US!!!

    1. At union meetings, Kevin always mentions how we would look to the community if we complain too much! The union also allowed certain parts of evaluations to be very subjective!

  4. Then we need stronger leaders who can take the heat!!!Who voted for our current leader anyhow? I know I didn't . The election was somewhat shady!

  5. Well A day after our SCSD be the change meeting at the Temple, I get threatened in school by a third floorer "special" student. He and 2 others were chasing and beating another through the hall, my room, and in the hall. When I said all were getting referrals this special young man brought his skinny self back to me telling me he knew who I as and was not afraid and proceeded to chest bump me a couple times telling me lay a hand on me over and over again while I walked towards the 2nd floor office and then told me he was going to f*ck me up Several times. He got a referral with 2 teacher statements as witnesses (Good timing there)...Then, curiously, his handler, I mean teacher came to my room " looking for a pen?" said not much and left! Curious! How about we control all these pricks or get them out! AND NOW I WONDER, without police or metal long before this kid or his family come into school and knife me or shoot me....It is a thought I shared at the gym today! My friends laughed, I told them, remember you laughed!
