We admire and applaud your courage in refusing to support the status quo anymore. The Syracuse City School District Board of Education has an obligation to the students in this district to govern with honesty, integrity and independent thought. You demonstrated that independence this week, not only refusing to fall into lockstep with the plans of the only direct report of the School Board - the Superintendent is indeed the Board's direct report, not their boss - but openly and honestly expressing concerns that reflect those of the Board's stakeholders.
Board members please take note: Your job IS to manage the superintendent. When 3,000 teachers and SCSD staff members are speaking in unison - with parent and community support - begging for help, it is time for you to stand up and take notice. Something is going horribly wrong in this district and there is a profound crisis. Do you have the courage to stand up and ask questions or have you been infected the Broad Virus - perhaps contracted on Broad Academy-sponsored "retreats?"