Sunday, June 8, 2014

Staying the Course

The strongest people stand by their convictions, even in the face of what they fear most. We must all stay strong and remember that the future of all of the children of the SCSD are depending on us. Trust our instincts, our education and our experience.


  1. Am I the only person who does not understand why supporters of Sharon Contreras believe that BTC members are racist? In the April Board meeting even after Contreras stated that she would be requesting funding from the Board for additional sentries and more slots in supportive programming for students and parents, supporters gave speeches that basically boiled down to BTC is a racist group. The additional programming support and srntries were from a plan presented to STA Kevin Ahern by BTC. Why is it that these plans were not considered racist when spoken by Contreras? BTC stated in this report that perhaps 5% of the student population, 1,000 students, need additional social and emotional support. Contreras supporters decided that this meant putting 1,000 students in "jail". Adding additional support programs does not equal "jail". How is it racist to want the kids in my child's class to succeed? My child's class is 97% children of color. Would you read my message more clearly if you knew that my child is a child of color? Why is it racist to expect that children behave in school? Supporters of Contreras, the District and Administrators have said that teachers not be engaging is one of the root causes. I'm sorry, but since when did it become okay to be verbally and physically abusive to staff and peers due to boredom? School will not always be engaging. Studying and learning is not always fun! However, the school experience can be a positive force for our youth on their path to a successful life.

    1. You are FAR from the only one mystified and/or incensed at charges of racism directed toward Be the Change, which is itself, racially diverse. The organizers and most supporters of BTC are all professional educators, with significant experience and dedication working with, and on behalf of ALL of our students, in a district comprised of students of VARIOUS colors . . . and color has never been an issue with any of them. Those of us who have given far, far beyond the required work hours, out of compassion, concern and sheer determination to find A way to help our kids learn -- ALL of our kids -- even when THE way doesn't work for so many, do not see color. We see KIDS. Kids who deserve 100%, but more times than not, NEED far MORE. -- and so, most of us bring it. To even imply racism as a motive for BTC is ludicrous, and serves as a thinly-veiled, well-aimed cop-out, to distract the public from the REAL issues at hand -- that the SCSD is in trouble. BIG trouble. And the very ones responsible for leading us out of it, are not only failing in that leadership, but prefer to hand off responsibility for these problems to those at the bottom of the food chain. Blame is far easier than accepting culpability and actually LISTENING to the front line, where all the voices are delivering the SAME message. We are in TROUBLE as a district. WE ARE IN MUCH MORE THAN ACADEMIC TROUBLE. Never, in the last 25 years in this district, has there been a top-level administrator more out of touch with those who KNOW, who are on the front lines, on a daily -- hourly -- basis, struggling to maintain some semblance of professional educational normalcy -- with so little, or usually NO SUPPORT, whatsoever, from downtown. Instead, the current administration has established A CULTURE OF FEAR, where staff at every level (with good reason) always is looking over their shoulder, fearing retribution for trying to do what is RIGHT. The new normal is for administration, from the top on down to building level, is to dodge responsibility for tackling these problems head on, and shift it on down, right back to the classroom teachers and assistants, who have in many cases, begged for support, for help, for LEADERSHIP -- and have NOT gotten it. Sadly, PARENTS, it appears the ONLY way things are going to change is for YOU to gather together, share information, communicate often and openly with classroom teachers, and then, in numbers, CONFRONT the Board of Education and DEMAND accountability and REAL leadership that HELPS kids, not hurts them.
      The problems are profound, and we, and more importantly, the students of the SCSD, can NOT afford to wait any longer. Change MUST happen. PARENTS, ELECTED OFFICIALS, neighbors, business and professional people, the employed, and the unemployed, and retirees ALL have a stake -- and a responsibility -- to assure that it does. This is NOT somebody else’s problem.
      It belongs to ALL of us. Join in -- now. WE NEED YOU! BE the CHANGE!

    2. Amen! Tell the truth and it shall set you free.

  2. Having a Vote is neither a failure or a victory. Regardless of the outcome, the path to breathing life back in to the District will be a long and possibly painful journey. The message of this week should not be of "yay, we won" or "boo, we lost", it should be a message once and for all of OUR CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING and are caught in the middle of political crossfire! Somebody needs to be strong and a voice of reason for all to hear! All groups need to put aside their prejudices, agendas and friendships! Speak and act for the children!

  3. Being able to vote will send a message that either district staff feel supported or feel they are being disrespected in the process of so many changes that are being implemented at once.

  4. Robbery at Corcoran this afternoon around 245pm. Disturbance at Salem Hyde today.
