Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Time is Now to Take Back Our Schools!

We, the parents of the Syracuse City School District, are concerned about escalating violence and disruptiveness in our schools. In a time of constant and deep budget cuts, not to mention implementation of new learning standards and an entirely new curriculum, the need for a safe and orderly environment is more critical than ever to ensure that our kids can learn in crowded classrooms.

While this site will evolve, our first priority is to bring parent concerns about violence and safety in our schools to forefront, in order to ensure public awareness and to request accountability and action on the part of our highest levels of administration and the Board of Education.

Our initial goal for this site is to provide parents, students and teachers with a safe place to report concerns at individual schools. We invite you to post your comments and concerns about safety and discipline at your school. In the interest of confidentiality, DO NOT provide names of alleged victims or perpetrators.

All reader comments will be approved before final posting and every effort will be made to "vet" allegations.


  1. Thank you for starting this blog. All is not well in the district. Referrals are down because administrators are told to reduce them. Many referrals that are written never recorded. Behaviors have escalated to the point that staff feel unsafe in the schools. Little learning is occurring because a percentage of students disrupts learning throughout the classroom, halls, floors and sometimes, the entire school. We are not providing a safe environment and this interferes with learning. The district has no programs to support the disruptive students with emotional and behavioral problems (the numbers of these students are staggering).

    1. "We are not providing a safe environment". As I see it, the teachers need to be provided with a safe environment before they can provide a safe environment.
      Administrators MUST provide teachers with a safe environment.
      If a student is disruptive (and that's putting it mildly) he/she must suffer the consequences. If there are not consequences for poor behave, there is no motivation to change.
      Administrators-back up your teachers.
      Students need to be taught that teachers should be treated with the utmost respect.
      Programs for students in need of support must to be implemented asap. Their parents need to be involved as well.

    2. And when an administrator puts a disruptive middle schooler on home bound until he's placed in his NEXT school, she's written up!! Standing up for kids who want to learn and teachers who want to teach gets you a letter in your file!!! WRONG! Kudos to that administrator (in one of the top producing scsd schools by the way...!!)

    3. How do you post items?

    4. Teacher at a southwest side school is punched in face by student, while intervening as this student fought with fellow student, assisted only by Social Worker as VP watched. Teacher's are NOT safe. Please take notice Syracuse taxpayers!! Will a tragedy be required for the public to notice?/ I pray daily that this is not the case. God bless & keep all those working with the children of our city.

  2. Students regularly threaten staff and face few if any concequences. A recent event involved a student saying to his teacher "the only way I'm going into your class is if my dick is in your mouth you cum gargling slut". When the child was written up by the teacher the administrator dismissed the referral saying to you want the student punished for being born poor, for being exposed to violence and porn. This is not uncommon. This level of vulgarity is all too common. We are expected to "remind student's of expectations.

    1. Seriously, and if that same student said that to the Administrator the student would have been suspended for 5 days. No one should take that abuse!

    2. That student would NEVER get into my class again!

    3. Unfortunately as I am that teacher the child was back the next day!

    4. All so true!! Stay strong, keep commenting!!

    5. That is DISGUSTING! That administrator needs to apologize to the teacher AND to the student. So, the student has a rough life therefore he gets a pass on being civil??? This is UNBELIEVEABLE! This kid is going out into the real world soon. What type of productive member of society do you think he'll become?
      The kid should have been taught before but he wasn't. The administrator had an opportunity to teach/mold this kid. Instead-he gets a free pass?
      Note: the TEACHER did try to improve the student's moral character by writing him up.
      Note: the ADMINISTRATOR tore up the lesson. WHY?
      What is going on??

    6. Certain of the administrators seem(ed) to have given up on the students utterly. They are reluctant to suspend because of the published numbers of suspensions, which make SCSD look bad. Even when it comes to teaching these same students, the administrators have, historically, anyway, occasionally failed to impose meaningful standards (FYI I'm not talking Common Core here...) on learning to hold students accountable... case in point, my first class observation as a teacher with SCSD in 2008, an English 11 class, the administrator (I won't mention his/her name, but he/she is no longer at the district, I'll just say that) commented, both in my eval and in our face-to-face debrief, that my lesson was appropriately college prep for an English 11 class under "normal" circumstances, but that I simply couldn't do that with "this kind of student." (Or maybe s/he said "these types of kids." Something like that. Any guesses what s/he meant by "this kind/type" of kid?) this admin thought so little of NHS's students that s/he recommended I not teach at the level I was teaching. How is this not the same as having given up on them? It''s the same level of "Who cares, nothing's gonna change" you are seeing with the unwillingess to support teachers in these violence/insubordination cases. This administrator response is a clear reflection of the belief that "nothing's gonna change anyway, so why bother?" But it's clear that the teachers want things to change, and more importantly, *believe* that things can change, and ADMINS should follow TEACHERS' leads, not the other way around, at least more often than not. Good luck with this blog. I hope it bears fruit.

  3. I do not feel safe at work. I feel the anxiety overwhelm me as the day goes on. I leave school each day emotionally and physically exhausted. Staff morale is low district wide. There are a lot of days of being taken (mental health days) just to escape the stress of the work environment. Inordinate amounts of stress are endured daily, staff is at a breaking point.

    1. I agree completely.....

    2. We need to get the staff united. We are not the enemy to one another!! Stay strong, keep commenting!!

    3. Mayor, Superintendent, are you hearing this? Our city would benefit from your help.
      What you have been doing so far is not working.
      No more hiding what is happening in these schools.
      Help these wonderful teachers.

    4. The Supt. will not help, she is extremely aware of the situations and does nothing but blame the teachers. It's all about the data and how she looks as she tries to make a name for herself. The teachers and administrators are afraid of her, the board is too. The first step is to take a good hard look at her!

    5. I felt the same way for the years I was with SCSD. This has been going on for a while. But I think perhaps the place to look is not in the Superintendent's Chair, but in the seat at her right rand - Brian Nolan. Lowengard, Contreras... what do they have in common? Him.

  4. As a Grandparent + having 4 close relatives as teachers , it saddens me to hear the horror stories coming out of Sy racuse Schools. Something must happen quickly to prevent this violence from continuing.

  5. Thank you for getting the ball rolling! Us teachers are ready to stand up and fight to protect our students and ensure a safe learning environment for all! If we all stand together, we can get this done!!

    1. Agreed!!! We are ready to fight the good fight!! We just need as many people as we can get behind us, including as many parents of the children who want to learn and are being hurt themselves.

  6. I would like to see a lawsuit filed against the district on behalf of the teachers and teaching assistants and students. The schools r unsafe for the staff and the students who want to learn. Anyone know a lawyer willing to fight the good fight? They can have all the money!! I just want a change so we can go back to teaching the wonderful children of our district!!

    1. I think that is a great idea!

    2. Why is it that STA is not storming 725 Harrison St.? We can look for a lawyer and perhaps find someone willing to take on the case, but you (teachers) are paying union dues for exactly the kind of support you now find yourselves seeking outside.

      Shame on the STA for not chiming in and standing up for the teachers and TAs!

    3. Our union is weak and rallies with Management by the fact they are doing nothing! Nothing to change this situation!!!

    4. At what point do teachers and TAs rally against the union and demand the representation that they are paying for? How can parents help to support you with the union?

    5. Oh my gosh...I feel like my prayers are being answered! As a teacher in the SCSD, we have felt helpless and unsupported for far too long! We need you, the parents, to stand in unity with us. The parents of students in the SCSD are for the most part amazing advocates for students and teachers alike, and now is time to completely join forces and take our schools back. Large group of passionate teachers that are ready to rally for safe schools for our students.. We can do this...I am very interested in getting together with parents and forming a game plan, as are hundred of other teachers in the district. How do we get in touch with each other and make this happen?

    6. Parents too can storm 725 Harrison and demand change! Demand that the problem students be removed and not let back in. Remember the movie "Lean on Me"? That principle fought the board, lock the kids in and told the gang banger's and druggies to get out. That's what we need!

    7. Maybe a lawsuit should include the district and STA.

    8. Yes, a lawsuit against a hostile work environment should be filed. Staff are quite literally being abused by certain students. We must change the culture of the district into a safe, respectful place to work and learn. As a retired teacher from the SCSD, I hear from my friends who are still teaching that the stress level is insane - and these are good, dedicated teachers we're talking about. I've recently heard of a social worker who was suspended from work because he tried to prevent a student who was breaking a glass window of some kind from hurting himself - in the process the kid got a couple of scratches and the adult got suspended because he "didn't use proper restraint practices". Another teacher is on medical leave at one of the west side elementary schools because a student put the teacher in a headlock and the teacher got hurt. Also, the ISS staff person at that school got shoved by a student and fell to her knees and got hurt. A friend of mine at that same school got kicked by a kindergartner who was having a bad day. The public is definitely not aware of what is actually happening in the schools and the staff is afraid to speak out for recrimination reasons.

    9. not sure what good it will do to storm down to 725 since the person/people you need to see are tucked behind a LOCKED door. But something needs to be done. An egg fight in the cafeteria?. Parents also need to be schooled on how to get ahold of their children, not all of these children are lost for good, they just need to have a reason to show their good sides. There is no respect for each other.

    10. "Yes, a lawsuit against a hostile work environment should be filed. Staff are quite literally being abused by certain students." I've been saying this for years. In negligence tort law, it's called "foreseeability," the acknowledgement of a work environment conducive to such incidents, coupled with the inactivity, inefficacy, or just plain apathy on the part of the administrators to even attempt to stem the tide. The law is clear where blame lies.

    11. Hmm. Well, maybe approaching this lawsuit from a hostile work environment angle would be a place to start. I believe that is the only way to get the district's attention. I know my friends who are still teaching in the district are working so hard, stressed out, and demoralized - every one of them - these are teachers who are good people who enjoy teaching and are not normally complainers - but they all are discouraged. The kids are running the buildings and the whole situation is out of control - it's upside down. The actual teaching is taking a back seat to the discipline issues and testing obsession.

  7. Students run around the building like it's the local track at a high school. One even goes outside & climbs trees! Our instructions: follow to make sure the student stays safe. How is a student safe in a tree! Children are very rarely written up and after they've disrupted learning, they come back to class. Then the teacher is to blame for not "managing the classroom". Meanwhile the staff that's chasing the kid around is not where they need to be... teaching small group instruction. Half of our staff have left crying b/c of the disrespect, stress, overwhelming amounts of work, endless meetings, bullying and blaming by administration, parents, & students alike... the list goes on and on. I for one, am tired. Not only am I tired, I'm sick and tired! Working in this district is not fun anymore, and it certainly isn't safe!

  8. Thank u for helping us!!! I would love to see a lawsuit filed against the district on behalf of the teachers and teaching assistants and students who want to learn. The schools are unsafe for the staff and the children. We are unable to teach and the students are unable to learn. There are staff members and children being assualted everyday and nothing is being done to their attacker. Everything is being swept under the rug. It needs to stop NOW!! If anyone knows a lawyer who is willing to fight the good fight please let me know. This is not about money, it is about giving the children their schools and education back. The lawyer can take all the money. I just want to go a whole day without being hit and without other students being hit. I just want to teach to children who have respect for themselves and who want to learn. We need to take a stand and be united, then we will be able to get our schools back and make a change in are children's future. Please help me make this happen!!!

  9. Onondaga County libraries have security yet K-5 buildings can't even employ a hall monitor or security? I can't even begin to say how many names I have been called by my mentally unstable self contained classroom of students on a daily basis. Yet I call for an administrator and 15 minutes later their pushed back into my classroom until they begin to throw furniture. I feel unsafe daily; have begun to keep my door locked and made a trip to the STA with the stack of referrals I have written. We have a right to work in a safe environment and we can't feel bullied into accepting students back into our classroom when the appropriate consequence hasn't been given. Let's not even begin to mention how out of compliance SCSD is when they take teacher assistants away from special education classrooms because they can't find a sub for another class! Thank you for starting this blog. I feel like teachers are getting stomped on again and again. We need real help in restoring order to each of the schools in the district. We don't need to be flying the izone plane before it's even been built!

    1. It's a Top down problem, when the Teacher's are bullied by top Administrators how are they supposed to stop bullying in the class room, against both students and Teachers.

  10. I think this is a wonderful idea, and I hope enough stories come out to make some changes in the SCSD!

    I am wondering how you will "vet" the allegations, and, along the same lines, keep these stories anonymous?

    I would love to videotape some of the things that go on.

    1. We have a network of sources that we will be using to help us to "vet" allegations.

    2. If the stories are given to a lawyer, the persons names can be confidential. Only if the lawsuit goes to court would we the victims need to share our identities. Part of the lawsuit could stat that no victims involved will be in jeopardy of losing their job if their identity is known!!

    3. Outstanding idea! Videotape the hallways and classrooms noted for problems.
      Make it mandatory for the parent/guardian of the "disrespectful" student spent an entire day going from class to class with their child. If the child misbehaves, the parent deals with them on the spot.
      I doubt the student would ever again want their parent/guardian by their side throughout a school day.
      The parent/guardian most likely wouldn't care for spending another day in school either. Perhaps they'd teach/enforce proper behavior in the home.

  11. That is a great question!!!Why isn't the STA Union coming forward??I they take our dues each week but have NOT fought for us at all. We could be so much stronger united with a great leader but unfortunately there is no leadership! . Sounds like our governor on the common core we haven't seen him either!

    1. We need someone willing to stand up and run for STA President. Someone who will not be afraid to say "NO" to the Superintendent!!

    2. Kevin Ahern is biding his time until he can retire. He rolls over for her everytime she tells him to. Unfortunately no one ran against him last year so he will be there for another 3 years. It's time for STA to step up to the plate and make some demands in support of all of us who pay dues.

    3. Upcoming contract negotiations will be scary!!!! Get ready!

    4. Contract negotiations do not have to be scary, if we vote "no" to a zero raise, etc. We first have to stand up to Kevin, and force him to do the job he was elected... or should I say the job handed to him. We gave back a percentage of our raises last time in order to preserve jobs=Contreras got rid of staff anyway. In a recent Kiplinger report....the avg. raise for employees has risen to 3.5%. We should accept nothing less!

  12. Thank you for starting this . As a substitute in the district, I feel that we are put in dangerous situations daily. We are dealing with children who do not know or trust us . We are sometimes placed into self contained classrooms where children do not know how to handle inconsistency and deviation from routine can send them into a tailspin. We are often put in illegal situations, where we are alone in the room with these students that should have a teaching assistant. As substitutes in the district, we are overlooked, under paid and put ourselves under fire every time we walk into a classroom.

  13. Students fight and are not forced to leave the building and then they fight again (same students, same school day). When did fighting become OK and tolerated in school? It puts everyone at risk, especially the teachers, administrators, and others who try to break up the fight. Any student who fights in school and is an active participant needs a formal hearing and heavy discipline charges. A "talking to" no longer works and neither does mediation. Students who have left a "mediation" have immediately gotten into a fight that same day!

  14. My children will be students in the SCSD beginning next fall. My daughter will be beginning preschool. I am more and more convinced every day that we should homeschool our children instead of put them in this district. I have close family and friends who work in different capacities within the district and no one is being treated appropriately, from students, to teachers, to custodians, to office workers. Budget cuts are killing an already struggling district. If I do end up homeschooling my children (something I never considered doing before) I will be very vocal as to why my family made the choice to keep our kids out of this district.

    1. Well, maybe the parents, community and teachers can stand together to turn things around!

    2. Good for you! Best of luck to you! As a former SCSD teacher, I highly recommend you go with your gut and homeschool. Your children will thank you for it.

  15. There have been roughly 10-15 fights in my school the past 2 wks. Staff trys to intervene as best we can, but some get hurt. Students are usually suspended once that happens, but safety is without a doubt a major concern.

    Outside of the fighting, hallway behavior can be vile. Many students do not fear consequences, from neither admin or home. I am disrespected with vulgarity anywhere from 5-30x a day. A kid called me a "fucking faggot," earlier this year, and an administrator told me he was just having a bad day.

  16. There would be HUNDREDS of people willing to come forward with horror stories.

    I used to teach in the district and also lost my desire to teach in the district. I could go on for days about what occurred in the one year I was there. Pregnant teachers being violently pushed, adults successfully coming into the building to fight kids, the abusive language allowed in the classrooms, and the complete and total lack of respect not only from students, but from administration. The district likes to excuse these actions due to poverty. You are a school- TEACH these children right from wrong. TEACH them that they can better themselves. TEACH them anything! Teachers are more often than not forced to put their actual teaching on a back burner. I LOVED teaching and being in the classroom. I accepted the job because I wanted to help low income students. I left because I refused to accept the abusive behavior than teachers are forced to deal with (on their own) on a daily basis. Something has to be done- these kids are our future and the SCSD is telling them they have no future. I don't know why it is so taboo, but the district needs to be exposed.

    1. As a retired teacher from the district , my advise is to press charges if a student threatens you or touches you. then go to court and get and order of protection. You do have rights. BTW, where the hell is the union?

    2. Good question...... where the hell is the union? Kevin Ahern, are you t reading this?

  17. If we want to stop these behaviors and attacks we need meaningful and stiff consequences. Suspensions do nothing to teach children that their behaviors are not acceptable. We need to have a wing in Hillbrook for any violent offenders, meaning students who attack other students or adults in any manner. These students will attend classes at Hillbrook during the day so we can not be accused of keeping them from the education they are "entitled" to. At night they can sleep in a cell and have time to reflect on how they need to behave in order to become a productive member of society. For students who have non violent offenses we should be collaborating with the community so we can have opportunities for community service after school for them to learn from their actions and help out the community at the same time. Parents of students who have been suspended should have mandatory parenting and behavior classes that they must attend before their student can return to school. If students and parents are aware that theses behaviors are no longer acceptable and that there are real consequences, I am willing to bet we will see a drastic decrease in these behaviors. We need to stop spending money on testing and data collection and invest in our students and staff's safety. The students who behave are "entitled" to an education as well as their safety but the district seems to have forgotten about them.

  18. I think there should be a vote of Confidence as to whether or not parents and teachers think top administrators and The BOE are doing their jobs. I bet teacher's will vote no confidence at all.

    1. They did this in Rochester. If the Union here had the courage to take such a step. The BOE would have to support it but it is time that we vote even if it is only symbolic, it would send a message.

    2. Once Dave Cecile is sworn in as the new President of our BOE we will need him to back us up as much as we will need to back him up so positive changes can start happening!!!

    3. Dave was my former administrator years ago. He believes in change. He still subs at Henninger as of this year even after being a retired principal from there. His words were true "BOE needs to be in the schools to see first hand what is happening." I will support him. Change is needed. Where is the rest of BOE?

  19. Community members would be shocked at what actually goes on in SCSD schools. I have been teaching there for 15 years. If I wrote a book on all the bad decisions administrators do on a daily basis people would say it was fiction. Let's put the accountability where it belongs.......the parents! Let teachers teach! Hold parents accountable for their childers actions. Hold the superintendent accountable for her bad decisions too. Start with this Izone mess.

    1. Nothing will happen until the superintendent is held accountable. That appears to be the single most factor in the decline of student accountability in the last 2 years.

  20. How do I know this isn't some "Broad" Associate trying to gain info on those ready to stand up?

  21. Anonymous posts negatively impact credibility. Are staff afraid to leave signatures because of reprisal? It's unfortunate that SCSD administration has created such a hostile work place both through a lax discipline policy and the distrustful, unsupportive relationship they have with their teachers and paraprofessional staff. How long must this continue?

    1. Yes, this is the climate of the SCSD. Paranoia rules the day. There are those that believe all emails are screened and phone calls monitored. True or not, it is the belief that the superintendent is that controlling that has instilled fear. Then there are the multiple cases of staff being suspended for sending emails of support re the common core (rotten to the core) and or daring to voice their opinion publicly.

    2. I agree with the poster above me. It is the climate of the SCSD. With everything going on in the media, we were told this week that if we chose to post on these sites it was highly suggested that we not use any name that could be connected back to us, because the people downtown are looking.

    3. If you speak up in SCSD you are seen as a threat. You are targeted by administration, grade changed, school moved, class stacked with tons of behavior problems, treated like you don't matter, dragged into downtown meetings about negative attitudes, etc.

    4. theres only one thing that ALL you teachers should do, and i say this with
      the highest respect. HAVE A BLUE FLU DAY. Lets see how they handle that on there own.

  22. I would not encourage anyone to enter into this profession. I want to tell every student teacher to run and run fast and far away from this. They have squeezed every last drop of joy from this job. This system we have in place now is set up perfectly to get older teachers to quit or leave early so the pension costs go down in the future. The Izone is more like a kill zone. One 2nd year teacher said his students never sit down, their is no ISS room for accountability and rarely stop talking while he is. I wouldnt teach in the Killzone for 20,000 extra dollars a year.

  23. I became a teacher to help children who may learn differently have an equal access to education, instead I am a human punching bag. There have been more days that I have wanted to quit my job because of lack of STA and administration support than because the kids are bad and that's saying something. We work in a failed system. Not bad not failing, totally and completely failed. Chairs out windows and cafeteria riots are the norm. Students run the hallways like that is there job and while the term "5-day" is thrown around no real consequences are being given. It is hard to go to work everyday at a place I have never felt safe, but it is nice to start to be receiving support.

  24. There is a difference between increasing the rigor of content and attempting to force a developmentally inappropriate core curriculum down the throats of students and teachers. I see a connection beween institutionalized experiences of failure and students acting out.

    1. I absolutely agree. Many of the behavior problems in my classroom stem from the inappropriate core curriculum. What then adds to the behavior problems is that the students are running the school and they know it. There are inconsistent consequences, if any, and teachers are made to feel like they are incapable of doing their job if they have to write referrals.

    2. The daily schedule also adds to the discipline issues. The kids never get a break! No recess, no indoor play time, no time to chat. No wonder they won't sit still and listen. We were told there is no time for them to use the bathroom. Ignoring the physical and developmental needs of children does NOT improve things in our schools.

  25. The SCSD Board needs to get going on this issue of safety in the schools. Their only solution so far is to hire an outside "expert" at great expense (that could be used elsewhere) to study the number, causes and color of suspensions. It's not about color. It's about creating a classroom environment where teaching and learning is valued. When asked about how many referrals were made that did not result in suspensions, Supt. Contreras said they didn't keep track of that stat! It's VERY important to know how many referrals were sent about particular students and in general to see a pattern of how they are being dealt with and reasons for referrals. Can the task force and the high paid consultant; keep track of ALL relevant stats and let some of the overpaid and underworked folks at CO analyze the data. And while we are at it, let's terminate those lucrative, no-bid contracts they just let for hundreds of thousands of dollars. When is STA going to step up and demand a safe work environment for all?

  26. This comment is from a special needs parent that's very well involved. My feelings towards what is going in these schools are very well managed by the teachers as well as can be. They are short staff and are expected to make a miracle. This is not fair to them at all. This new program doesn't benefit anyone but the higher ups. I hope you don't expect things to turn around with putting so my much pressure about test. My son has issues with the program. I spend most of my time trying to explain what different things mean before we can even understand the homework. I commend all of the teachers that help and are devoted to the students of SCSD.

  27. It's starts in the home we can't expect the teachers to make s miracle happen. Parents have to be involved as well. Teachers and parents as a team can make the difference in a lot of children's lives.

  28. Contreras needs to get her head out of the sand and home from Albany. She needs to see what the teachers deal with day in and day out. We are blessed with wonderful teachers and admin at our elementary school but they also need to deal with children who have no social and behavioral foundation. How can my child learn when another is chasing her down and knocking her over? My child needs to feel safe and supported at school.

    I also think the elementary schools that were K-5 before need to go back from being K-8. Or, separate the two more and keep the language, the behavior and lack of respect away from the younger children who will mirror that one day. Not everyone in the city is slacker,who is uneducated and doesn't care about their children. We deserve to live in a city that will provide a quality and safe education and not one that ignores violence and teaches that it is ok and lets it go on and on.

    I am not sure how much fight I have left in me.

    1. The problem is she doesn't care about us or the students.

  29. I have been injured this year by violent students and in my cases there were no suspensions. I know others have faced the same in my school. Kids swear and verbally abuse teachers everyday and after calling us names and telling us to suck body parts that some of them don't even have, they come right back to our rooms. I feel bad for the kids who are subjected to this everyday who work hard and respect everyone. It is that group of students whose education suffers not the ones causing the problems. Getting rid of alternative programs has destroyed this district and raising scores will be impossible! I am saddened by the current trend in discipline and see this going nowhere good.

    1. Feel free to refer to this link to Project SAVE legislation. Under that legislation it is illegal to return a disruptive student within the same period/day. I advise every teacher to download the copy of thr pdf file and know it front to back. If administration is not following these guidelines then let your STA Rep in your building know, and document everything! You owe it to yourself and the children to have a safe and healthy learning environment. Good luck we are all in this together!

    2. Google Project SAVE for the downloadable documents about school safety and legislation.

    3. I think you should have called the police, and have the child arrested, if you were truly injured. You should have gone to an urgent care facility or an ER, that way you would have a police report, and documentation of injuries. No one can stop you from seeking justice and keeping yourself safe.

    4. Teachers in New York state don't have the right to take students who have injured them to court. We learned that this year when a teacher was punched in the face so hard, she was knocked down. She was told by lawyers that she had no legal recourse because she's a teacher.

    5. The lawsuit should not be against the student - it should be against the district - the superintendent and the school board - that is not only refusing to protect students and teachers, but is forcing its employees to follow policies that endanger everyone in the schools. Their liability, their negligence is what is causing the situation.

      Also, I believe that the parents shoul be held liable also, although their rsponisibility might actually be less in a legal sense if the district is telling them that the teachers are responsible for discipline.

      Teachers are responsible for classroom management, administrators and parents are responsible for discipline. When there is no disciplinary action, or inadequate action, for student behaviors that call for them, all the classroom management effort in the world is going to do nothing to help. Children are constantly pushing boundaries and seeking what the limits of behavior are, it is part of growing up. With no disciplinary action for violent and repeated disruptive behaviors, there are no boundaries, no limits.

    6. That's right. Totally agree.

  30. In my school, it is 10% of the students causing the problems for the rest of the students. There unchecked behavior disrupts not only there classroom but neighboring classrooms, sometimes the entire hall or floor depending on how disruptive their behavior becomes. The sad thing is that those kids who have occasional problems drop to the the level of the 10 percenters. If you can't beat them, join them? If you ask the student themselves, how much learning goes on in class, they will tell you about 10-15 min of each period. Why, the constant need for redirection and behavior management. This isn't acceptable. Instead of focusing on blaming the teachers, lets focus on getting behavior in the schools under control. If you do, things will fall into place academically.

  31. We need EVERYONE to start asking around for lawyers willing to help us file a lawsuit on behalf of the teachers, ta's and students who want to learn!! We need a lawyer who is willing to help us probono and then if they want to sue for money they can take it all as payment. We just want our schools back... that is all we are asking for. We have so many employees with stories to tell. We just need someone to listen and then use those stories to help us fight back. Please EVERYONE start telling parents to ask their children if they are being hurt at school. We need as many stories to help us out!!! If anyone knows anyone in the press get them involved!! Staff members will share their stories with only a lawyer for now until we know for sure we can't be fired. If we are fired, then you lose the people that are left who truly care about your children!!!

  32. We received this report today...

    "I was told today, after writing a referral for a chronically disruptive and aggressive elementary age student, that he/she cannot be held accountable for behaving violently of punching a peer in the head because he/she has an IEP. This child is classified as Learning Disabled (an academic disability). This child has had incident after incident of harassing, bullying and violent (district does NOT like to use that word!) behavior. I had enough today. Student after student come to us and report that "X" is saying things to me or hitting me or "messing with me." Every day….several times a day. I just had enough today seeing the injured child come into the classroom with an ice pack on their eye after being punched in the head. I wrote a referral and said that “X” should not be returned to the classroom for the rest of the day. The students have just put up with enough from him/her… “X” was promptly returned with the message that he/she cannot be responsible for this behavior (due to an IEP) and that teachers have to figure out a way to keep him/her from harassing, bullying and being violent.
    These are the things that your children are being subjected to… I try to encourage students to report to their parents about how they are being bullied, but I don't get much back… HELP!!!”

    Keep your stories coming!

    1. I've had similar experiences. Other students BEGGING me to remove a student from class due to constant disruptions, but there is nothing I can do. It was heartbreaking hearing the students lament that the teachers won't do anything, but we are not allowed to! If it were up to me that student would no longer be in our school at all! However the other students see it as though we are not standing up for them, and that is simply not the case.

    2. The teacher has to figure out a way to keep the student from harassing other students?? Every single problem lands on the backs of the teachers.When do they get to teach? It's the district's responsibility to keep schools safe and orderly - bring back alternative programs for disruptive students that cannot function in the regular classroom. Every child (and teacher) has the right to be in a safe place that is conducive to learning. Where are their rights?? If every child can learn, then every child can be held accountable for his/her own behavior. Period.

    3. We need to get the parents of those good students, who beg for a disruptive student to be removed, to attend a board of education meeting and demand that THEIR children's rights to a sound education be protected. The district sees teachers as whiners who complain, but they will more likely listen to parents.

  33. I have a student in my class who refuses to come to class. The student has stated several time to myself, the inclusion teacher and the administrators. When the student is in class the students is a constant disruption. 1) gets up and walks around the class to bug students doing work 2) looks in my closets 3) messes with my personal belongings. I have written this student up several times and tried to call home, but the cricket number does not work. I keep getting told by my administrators just let the student be. The student is a cancer and I should not have to be spending time babysitting, I mean this is high school. I did not spend get a masters in babysitting.

    1. Yes, this also happens in elementary school. We have several (many) students who in 1st grade have already figured out that they DO NOT have to follow ANY adult rules - in 1st grade!!! What is to happen with these children's education? - And, again, teachers will be held responsible. We are handcuffed to do anything about it, but, yet, are being held responsible for their failures. THIS IS OUR NIGHTMARE!!! Can you imagine having to do this every day….in a career we USED to LOVE!!! We are discouraged, angry, heartbroken (for the majority of "good" kids). Many of us cry regularly for what we had - and have lost…..

  34. Just keep the anecdotes coming. Don't alienate and go " off the deep end" or you give the district the ammunition. Keep determined and forthright and people will start to believe you. Then organize your building exclusive of the union.

  35. This year I had s student bring a knife to school the first week. The students was suspended for 5 days and then allowed to come back to school after the 5 days. Under NY Code - Article 265: FIREARMS AND OTHER DANGEROUS WEAPONS sections 265.01 the student could have ben expelled up to one year, but not in SCSD the student is back in the same school. The student comes to my class maybe 2-3 times a week. The students rarely attends 1st period, but make is but about 50-65% to the other classes. The students grades for the 1st MP were all 50's. NOTE: we are not allowed to give below a 50. For the second MP the combined grade in all classes adds up to a 14. Why does the student get to come back into our schools when the student is not there for and education. The student gave up the right to and educations when the knife was brought. Does the students who do the right thing, do they not have rights. Do I as a teacher not have a right to feel safe. Who knows if the student does or does not carries the knife still.
    Just so every one knows this is common. If a student being a weapon to school. The student does get 5 day suspension but that is about it. They come right back to school.

  36. What can be done? Next year 5 more schools are being forced to join the izone disaster except they will be adding 300 hours to the school year. Now those cronic behavior problem students will hold those students who actually want to learn hostage for more hours. When will teachers take back their classrooms and be able to teach? Extending the school day for most students is not the answer. Smaller class sizes, more hands on learning, disruptive students removed, no social promotion to next grade, and finally stop forcing more ELA and math time. SS and science have been thrown to the waste side to add more time to ELA and math. People it's not bridging the learning gap just making kids more frustrated!

  37. I am a teacher in a building that will be "turned over" - and have an additional 300 hours added. And, again, the double-talk! Of course adding more hours to the day IS a great idea and would improve our schools……BUT, also - Again…it will be a waste of time and money and will be blamed on teacher's lack of effort. We can predict this as well as we predicted the lack of success of the "Say Yes" program. 5 years ago we saw how ineffective SayYes (after school program) was - tried to get the word out - AGAIN, NO ONE LISTENED. How much money was wasted and squandered? The things that were happening in SayYes (and the after school programs going on now) are NOT helping students with what they need. They are (and were) glorified baby-sitting..students ONLY want to do the ("enrichment" = FUN activities…hip-hop dancing, cooking, ART, coloring) - which, in and of themselves, are not BAD things, but REALLY!!!! Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on an attempt to raise ACADEMIC levels in our district so that kids can hip-hop dance!! That's why we are still the lowest performing district in the state! I begged for people to come in and see for themselves…but, again, NO ONE did and it continued…The additional hours will be wasted again..unless we can somehow get control of this district in the hands of someone (or a group of someones) who know how to achieve success…how about a committee of stakeholders (including a teacher rep and a parent from each building OR a group to represent each level -elem/middle/high) let's get someone from the mayor's office and even someone from the PS (to cover this for the public) - WE could do a MUCH better job than what is happening - this should at least be discussed. After all, aren't WE (the teachers AND parents/students) the MAIN stakeholders in this fiasco - AND WE HAVE NO VOICE?????? What is wrong with this scenario. My hope is that WE can band together as a ONE loud voice and DEMAND changes - immediately!! Isn't there power in numbers??? Please, people, let's do this. It is our only hope!!!! WE CAN DO A BETTER JOB!!!! WE KNOW THIS!! Who will be there on December 3rd - let's plan to meet somewhere and attend as a large group….who's in?????


  38. Keep the comments free of obscenities. Even when quoting students. Credibility is a huge factor.

  39. I'm sorry, I completely disagree. It is what it is. The use of obscenity by students is a regular occurrence. There vulgarity shouldn't be sugar coated. If you find it shocking, distasteful, or offensive, imagine it being said to you each and every day.

    1. I wrote the original comment about obscenities. I understand. I was a teacher in the district. My point is that putting them here out of the context of the original statements will alienate some readers. If that is not a concern, then go to it. If it is a concern, then make the statement that enlightens without the obscenities. De gustibus non disputandum est. :-)

  40. What really happened at Corcoran ?

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. "Elementary student with IEP continually attacks peers and when (FINALLY) given a referral after punching a fellow student, was immediately return to class. No referrals for students with IEPs..." This is *exactly* the kind of case that is perfect for the kind of lawsuit some of you are talking about. I urge ALL educators and parents who don't mind slogging through a little bit of legal language (not much, and it's worth it, I promise) to read the following site, "The Elements of Negligence," which is all about how to determine if the such incidents are legally actionable, and provide legal ammunition with which to do so:

  43. These are all first hand knowledge; the Nottingham teacher was assisting in breaking up a fight between two students-he was not assaulted-there is a huge difference between assault and being injured breaking up a fight. The three students at Ed Smith were not stabbed. A student took apart a pair of safety scissors and was role-playing the "Wolverine." Not one student was stabbed-stabbing would include the breaking of skin and causing an open wound. No girl was sexually assaulted at Corcoran. She was a Baldwinsville student participating in a Dialogue Circle to End Racism. She wore skin tight pants that would have had any SCSD student sent home by administrators. Her attire attracted unnecessary male attraction. She never complained of being harassed.

    1. If I were to break up a fight at the mall and got hurt, or my glasses got broken, the fighter would be held responsible for my injury or my broken glasses.
      It appears to me that students now know that there are few, if any, consequences for being involved in fights, etc. If there was a stick no tolerance policy for fighting, I strongly feel that there would be less fighting. Thus, less opportunities for teachers to get hurt breaking up fights.

    2. can you report how many worker's compensations claims have been reported since the beginning of the school year as well? Specifically for students injuring SCSD staff members?

    3. Is it possible that I am misguided by your examples of "first-hand" knowledge? How are you able to cite all of these incidents correctly when one is to assume that you are a parent or teacher at one building? Is it possible that you are a CO employee who is defending the lack of support for safety in the school district? Since when does it matter that a student is from Baldwinsville? Regardless what she was wearing, our students need to know the appropriate way to behave with each other. In the end, men should never harass a woman just because she is wearing skin tight clothes (and vice-versa)! By the way, the dress code is NOT enforced in all of the schools! I have seen many a young lady wearing provactive clothing (ie, tight pants, yoga leggings, spaghetti strap shirts, low-cut tops) to school and the child is left alone. What you are ultimately defending is that it is ok for a male to harass a female verbally or physically because of what they are wearing, and more or less she deserves it. I am pretty sure Vera House would not condone this attitude. It doesn't matter if she didn't complain of harassment. The administration at the school should be concerned that their student body would behave this way, and address it immediately so that they learn it is unacceptable to treat people this way for any reason. Shame on you for trying to defend this! As a parent of a daughter, I am appaled by your reasoning, and hope to God that you are not an administrator in any of the buildings in this district. This is very disturbing.

  44. The fire alarm at Danforth Middle School is pulled by students on a weekly basis, wasting thousands of tax dollars. A student was being taunted by another in art class. The student used a pair of scissors to attack the student taunting him causing minor injury.

  45. Ladies & Gentlemen...
    Organization is the key; this is like the first skirmish in the American Revolution
    At this point you as teachers r facing the brunt of the blows...
    The community is suffering as much as you are... however not in the same day out fear and intimidation as you are... the front-line troops.
    There have been 22 murderers in the c/o Syracuse all because of failed leadership in city hall and the Syr. Board of Education.
    Beginning in the early 1770's through 1776 forces were at work in the American Colonies to throw off the bridals and yokes of a tyrannical British government.
    This is no different... We will and must do the same!
    In the long run we will find a way to have a Re-Call election and/or vote of No-Confidence and have the current B O E removed...Charge: Maleficence !
    In the short term...bombard the common council with phone calls.. text.. twitter... emails calling for the ouster of the board of reduction.
    Also in a business fashion request the current Board of Education to step aside...just resign. then pressure the mayor to appoint business people to the board till a new election can occur. This time from the council district similar to Buffalo, NY
    In addition call for town hall style meetings in all quadrants of the city with the current board just as they campaigned on... transparency.
    The B O E the common councils are servants of the people not Kings and Queens... were not in servitude to them!
    Edward J. McLaughlin {}

    1. Thanks Ed…I voted for you, along with Dave Cecile, as one of the two I thought could help us..and who had the best interest of the city at heart. I still cannot for the life of me understand how Derrick Dorsey got elected! Wonder if it is true that Contreras orchestrated that one!!! LOL…Of course, part of the grand scheme. I really like the idea of regular town hall style meetings with BOE - let them hear us!!! On a regular basis!!! How do we get that to happen?

    2. Arm twisting of CO staff to "donate" to a broke campaign by giving $99 ( to keep donors name private) might have helped mr Dorsey secure his spot next to her!

  46. Happy Thanksgiving
    Contreras, Sharon
    Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:59 AM
    Dear SCSD Team,

    The first three months of this school year have flown by and the first snow of the year has fallen. I’ve enjoyed visiting your classrooms, participating in school activities, attending SCSD Fall sports events and theatrical productions at each of our high schools, and cheering our students on during exciting academic competitions here in Syracuse and throughout the region. With the Holiday season approaching and Thanksgiving in a couple of days, it is important that we take pause and reflect on those things for which we are grateful.

    As I reflect during this season of thanksgiving, I am so very thankful to serve with each of you. Together we are serving the children and the families of Syracuse and impacting 21,000 young lives every single day. We are serving during perhaps the most tumultuous era in public education. The year has been challenging for us, but we continue to work to turn challenges into successes –professional successes, personal successes and successes for the beautiful and gifted children who look to us each day for guidance, knowledge, and support. I want you to know that I appreciate your work and thank you for always focusing on a brighter future for our students and the Syracuse City School District. Your hard work can often feel like it goes unnoticed, but nothing is further from the truth.

    Please take time over the Thanksgiving holiday to relax with and enjoy your families and friends. I am hopeful this Thanksgiving that the good things in life are yours in abundance.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Warm regards,

    “'Thank you' is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” –Alice Walker

    Pecan Pie

    3 large eggs
    ¾ - 1 cup granulated sugar
    1 cup of Karo light corn syrup
    2 tablespoons butter, softened
    1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
    1 large tablespoon all purpose flour
    1 ½ cups of pecans, chopped
    1 (9-inch) frozen deep-dish pie crust


    PREHEAT oven to 350 degrees.

    WHISK the eggs. Then whisk in the sugar.

    MIX in corn syrup, butter and vanilla using a spoon. Add the flour and then stir in the pecans. Pour filling into pie crust.

    BAKE on center rack of oven for 60 to 70 minutes. Cool for 2 hours on wire rack before serving.

    *To use prepared frozen pie crust: Place cookie sheet in oven and preheat oven as directed. Pour filling into frozen crust and bake on preheated cookie sheet. Use a pie shield or aluminum foil to prevent the edges of the pie shell from overbrowning.

    Sharon L. Contreras
    Superintendent, Syracuse City School District
    725 Harrison Street
    Syracuse, NY 13210

    1. "Please take time over the Thanksgiving holiday to relax with and enjoy your families and friends." Does she know she cut our planning and grading time in HS from 85 mins to 48 mins. I mean I would love to relax but I will spend one day planning for the week, the next day I might have to go to school and make copies and maybe after dinner on Thanksgiving night, when my kids go to bed I will grade 200 papers. Each paper has about 20 questions. So this means 4000 questions. Thanks so much for taking my time away from my family.

    2. Not for nothing, but the elementary teachers would love to see a 48 minute planning period! 85 minutes would be a dream come true. Try 40 minutes at the elementary level....all day. Love the little ones, but come on....spend a week at a K-5 school!!!

  47. Is there a way to find out who administers the site and how it's managed? I'm curious. It is not a criticism I'm making but just a search for who's in charge. I believe in the dissemination of information no matter what the information is. We all have the ability to assess and dismiss or accept what is written or said.

  48. Is there a petition that has been started yet calling for the Superintendent's resignation?!?! If not, why not!?!? These stories make my stomach turn....she needs to go! Clearly the students teachers and staff are not on her "priority" list!!

  49. Students at Danforth have pulled the fire alarm two days in a row this week. More city tax dollars wasted.

  50. Actually, the fire alarm was pulled three times today at Danforth. The third time the fire dept was still there for the second time the slarm was pulled.

    1. And I heard the Principal was absent that day of the THREE fire alarm pulls.

    2. Was the principal in school on the other days the fire drill was activated?

    3. The alarm has been pulled 6 times this week.

  51. Teacher shoved by a student at Fowler causing minor hand injury


    Check out Kramer's column. See the link above or this week's New Times. Sometimes we just need a good laugh.

  53. SYRACUSE -- A 12-year-old boy is being charged with reckless endangerment and criminal possession of a weapon for allegedly firing a pellet gun in the parking lot of Henninger High School.

    Police say the boy fired the gun twelve times Thursday night and shot a Henninger student four times. The student suffered minor injuries but did not require any medical treatment. The pellet gun was recovered by officers in bushes on private property next to the school. Police do not believe that the weapon was ever inside the high school.

    The suspect's guardian was issued a juvenile appearance ticket for the boy to appear in family court.

    This is the 8th known incident this year where a BB gun has been brought to school by a student, but none have made the press so far this year. There have been two that I know of where the student shot the BB gun inside the school. These incidents are being minimized because it was "just a BB Gun".

    It's important to look at the intent of the actions of these youth. In most cases, you can't tell it's "just a BB gun" looking at it from a distance. One of these days, it won't be "just a BB gun."

  54. I feel a bb gun is very dangerous. Couldn't a bb gun cause damage if the bb hit the person in the eye, groin or other sensitive areas of the body.

    In accordance with the Gun Free Schools Law (20 U.S.C.A. Section 3351), the Gun Free
    Schools Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C.A. Section 8921), New York State Education Law Section
    3214 (3) and this Board policy, no student shall bring, possess or use a weapon which
    constitutes a firearm or destructive device on school premises. School premises shall
    include school grounds, school buildings or a school bus. Punishment for violation of
    this policy shall be a suspension from attendance upon instruction for a period of not
    less than one calendar year. The Superintendent of Schools will review the penalty and
    may modify such suspension on a case by case basis.
    The term "firearm" is defined in 18 U.S.C.A. Section 921 (3) and shall include any
    weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be
    converted to expel a projectile by action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any
    such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device. The
    term "destructive device" means any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, bomb,
    grenade, rocket having a propellant charge of more than 4 ounces, missile having an
    explosive or incendiary charge of more than 1/4 ounce, mine or any device similar to
    any of those devices already described in this paragraph.
    The Superintendent of Schools shall refer a pupil who has been determined to have
    violated this policy as follows:
    A) If the pupil is under 16 years of age, to the Family Court in accordance with the
    Family Court Act, Article 3.
    B) If the pupil is 16 years of age or older, to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

    Students who brought BB Guns to School have been allowed to return to SCDS schools following a formal hearing.

  56. Any word on the gun threat at the high schools yesterday around dismissal? A lot of rumors but no administrators seem to be talking or providing any information

  57. I am new to this blog. I was informed of it when I told a friend that my granddaughter is now attending Porter Ele. Is she safe there? Is there anything I can do to help her, she lives with her mother who is uninvolved and mentally ill.

  58. Today I learned that teachers have called 911, and the Syracuse City Police say that they cannot intervene with school district issues despite teachers calling to report significant safety issues. I also learned that a parent called the Syracuse Police Department to file a report due to her child being attacked by another student. The police came to the school and gave the same response as the 911 teacher calls. Does anybody know or understand how and why this is happening?
