Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rumors Running Rampant Again...

So, we've had several reports of an incident that took place on 12/17/13 involving a phoned-in threat to start shooting in a school at 3:00. We are trying to confirm the incident and its handling by the district. Here's what we've heard so far...
  • District principals were in an all-day meeting with the Superintendant.
  • A threat was allegedly phoned in - to whom we do not know.
  • Threat reportedly was that someone (more than one?) would be shot at a school building at 3:00 pm. We do not know if the building was specified, although we have heard that it may have been a high school.
  • The threat was reportedly credible enough and vague enough that all of the principals were released from their meeting and sent back to their buildings.
  • At least one private school went into lockdown because they heard about the threat.
  • Police were spotted at more than one school building at or around 3:00 pm.
  • An arrest was made at some point
If indeed there was a threat of violence, why were parents not notified immediately via robo-call and allowed the opportunity to come pick up their children OR all threatened buildings put into lockdown and a notification made via robo-call to parents?

If you have any information, feel free to comment below or email us.


  1. I heard the super did not want people to panic so that is why neither parents nor staff were told anything! Nice huh?

  2. You have many of the facts correct. However, you did not mention that most staff including sentries, were not informed that there was a potential danger at dismissal time. In one instance, staff at a school were sent out to "assist with dismissal". Again, they were not warned of any potential dangers. Reportedly, the superintendent didn't want to "alarm staff".

    While police were sent to some schools, what good would one set of eyes on the situation be?

    By her actions or in this case lack of action, the superintendent potentially placed all staff and students in harms way.

  3. Police officers were also sent to other district school buildings so there was a reason to be alarmed.

  4. I heard today that a second threat may have been made on December 18th. Have not confirmed.

  5. My husband called downtown today about this and was told that nothing was said o people (staff/parents) because by 2:30 everything was fine. There was no longer a threat to anyone.
    Personally, we don't buy it - sounds like they are working hard to cover their butts!

  6. I teach in a K-8 building and did see police officers in my building in the cafeteria during lunch, and again near the main office exit doors at dismissal at 3:00, on the date specified.

  7. Pretty Sad, I didn't know anything about this at all, and I work in a district school
