Monday, December 2, 2013


  • Why would the district office schedule the kick-off meeting to roll out a new initiative at the same time the NY State Education Commissioner John King is holding a public forum? And... If it was scheduled prior to the announcement of Commissioner King's forum, why was it not rescheduled so that teachers and administrators might have an opportunity to attend?
  • Having seen the latest story in the Post Standard today, we applaud Mrs. Grandinetti for her understanding and desire to help the kids receive the counseling and services they so desperately need, while still sheltering teachers and other students from harm. What are your thoughts regarding consequences vs. counseling for kids? What programs would you like to see put into place to try to stem the tide of violence and disrespect that permeates our schools?

    If you haven't seen the story, here's the link.


  1. Was anyone able to get there? I would have loved to but you know we teachers had to work!

  2. I was there (a teacher from Dr. Weeks) - even leaving as soon as I could (3:00) I did not get there until 3:30. At that time the auditorium was about one quarter filled (bad time for most working people)…However, by the time it ended - around 5:00 there were probably a couple hundred people. Most were from FM - I found it interesting that even though FM is a wonderfully successful district, there was no lack of speakers (only had 2:00 minutes - some went over) expressing THE SAME MESSAGE AS THEY HAVE HEARD FOR MONTHS ALL OVER THE STATE….We are drowning under the chaos of (the implementation of) the Common Core…Same message - many impressive and powerful speakers - teachers, parents, students, even administrators - with the same message…too many problems, slow down, fix the problems before holding teachers responsible for results. I do not think that CC is going away, BUT I do believe that, at the very least, MANY politicians are listening to their constituents and we will see SOME "tweaking" and modifying in the near future. One thing I heard loud and clear from Vice-Chancellor - Board of Regents member Anthony Bottar was "this is not meant to be a 'gotcha" for teachers - he said "no teacher should be fired because of an evaluation. We know there are problems that need to be worked out. We want to make this work." I felt better when I left…..
