And it makes us sad, truly sad.
bgfay750: I am a teacher, and I am tired:
For the first time ever, I'm turning this blog over to a guest post .
This was written by my friend who says here what so many of us are...
For the first time ever, I'm turning this blog over to a guest post .
This was written by my friend who says here what so many of us are...
So now, we can add to our worry pile that the teachers we value the most - those who want to teach to the kids, not the test - will become so tired that they will decide they no longer wish to be part of this broken system. That would be the true tragedy for our kids.
Because as long as we have teachers who still care, we have hope. As long as we have teachers still willing to fight, we have hope.
Let's join together in the fight. Attending Commissioner King's forum this afternoon, we know that we are not alone. And while our issues in the city and suburbs may differ, teacher solidarity and parent solidarity has never been stronger. It was heartening to hear teachers supporting one another, regardless of district. It was heartening to hear parents supporting all. It was heartening to know that we are all in this fight together!
I don't know one teacher who isn't tired and discouraged. Now, we find out that the superintendent is throwing something else as staff. There now will be educational rounds based on medical rounds. Why not let teachers teach and administrators do their job. Every week its something new and we are tired and overwhelmed. At what point do we take a stand and say enough is enough?