Monday, March 24, 2014

Excitement Is Building

As the second "Be the Change" rally nears, we can feel the excitement building. Our theme for the night is "Bring a Parent, Bring a Friend" and we are asking everyone to bring a guest with them. Please remember though - SCSD personnel are limited to non-supervisory employees only. Meeting details will follow later today, but make sure you hold Thursday, March 27th free.


  1. The Superintendant has the nerve/ gall to say "perceived escalation" of violence! Well, if it is only perceived then the only change in the last two to three years must be that not all incidents have stayed UNDER THE CARPET! With that said, does anyone have information regarding a teacher allegedly being injured by a student end of last week, March 21 timeframe?

  2. Student reportedly stabbed teacher with a pencil.
