Friday, February 28, 2014

Chicken Feet? Really?

We definitely did not see that one coming... Chicken feet sent to the Superintendent, the Chief Accountability Officer (aka the "data guy") and the Director of Registration!!! And they say it didn't bother them. OK, right... That begs the question "Then why were the police called?" 

On a much more productive note, the "Group of 10" was able to meet this week and made excellent progress on the proposals for an action plan to be presented to the STA and the board. Thank you to the volunteers who have made and will continue to make time in their schedules to work on this.

In conjunction with putting the plan together, the team agreed that the time is here to start cultivating parents, students and community members as activists. So...

If you are or you know of a student, community member, or parent who is
concerned about the escalation of disruptiveness and violence in the SCSD,
please, please, please contact us at

The time has come and we need YOUR support. Remember, there is strength in numbers.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at
times of challenge and controversy."
-  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


  1. Does anyone else think it's rather disgusting that the FIRST thing her sycophant did was call the police? That's the last thing, if ever, that is done when a student or a child in the district is actually hurt. Guess we're pretty sure of the priorities. Also, she says that she didn't give it much thought. Does she give anything any thought? Then why were the police called? It ain't anthrax lady.

  2. Please keep advocating for teachers and students who are not in the position to speak up or do speak up and get chastised!
