Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Grant Middle School

As many of you may have already heard, Grant Middle School was placed on lockdown this morning. It is alleged that a student brought a gun (reportedly a BB gun, but not confirmed) to school. It was discovered quickly, three police cars and the crime scene unit were seen at the school during drop-offs this morning. One parent has reported that the lockdown has been lifted, as they were able to get into the building and speak with the Principal, Dr. Taylor.

To the best of our knowledge,
all students and staff are safe and no injuries have been reported. 

Watch the news, as we have confirmed that reporters were en route to the school to cover the story. If any Grant parents or staff would like to contribute what you know to this discussion, please add your comments to this thread, that way they are easily accessible for everyone.


  1. Don't worry - the superintendent the board are "monitoring" the incidents. I guess that means they've got an abacus downtown, clicking off the beads as the incidents roll in.

  2. It was an "air gun"...received the breaking news on CNY Central app. on my phone.

  3. When a report of a student with a gun comes in to staff, there is no way for us to know it was "just an air gun" as so many on CNYCentral and are saying.

    This was a very rear and very scary incident. Staff responded well and as such things went smoothly. Nice to know what competent staff we have at Grant Middle School.

    BTW, air guns are very powerful, I own a few and if you are not sure what kind of damage they can do, just google or watch a few youtube videos.


    She absolutely disgust me

    1. While she is right that violence in the SCSD is a community problem, it is she that is running the schools. She is the one in charge and she is the one who needs to come up with a better way to keep our kids safe in school and give them the quality education they deserve. If she wants the community to run the schools, then lets get some groups together to deal with the issues in school. She wouldn't want to give up that power though. So, she needs to start earning her paycheck. The Board hired her and they can fire her, or they can be voted out!

  5. This is very concerning because although the schools did act very quickly and there was no PHYSICAL damage to students, Our administration does not seem to understand that these incidents are terrifying and causing SEVERE anxiety and distress. So Ms. Contraras I beg to differ, come out of your safe office and into our children's reality.Just because there is no physical damage does not mean that our kids are safe......

  6. Why is Contreras not going school to school with a message of intolerance for violence?

    1. Because she can't say there is no tolerance without being able to back it up with consequences...and right now there are none.

  7. Apparently because as long as no one is raped, murdered, or maimed, she is okay with that, and considers the schools safe.

  8. I agree that sending troubled kids home and not in a learning environment, doesn't do anyone any good. If the kids aren't in school, they will escalate to even bigger trouble. So, what can we do? Why can't the SCSD implement some sort of military school for kids that are causing so much harm to others, whether it be by violence or disruptive behavior? If we implemented something like this, the kids would learn respect, get the education they deserve, and if they get mandatory counseling as part of the program...just maybe they would come out of there ready to take on the world and make it a better place.

  9. Does anyone have details about a big fight at Corcoran on Wednesday afternoon at dismissal -- police were called?

  10. Regarding the incident at Grant yesterday, one of the students involved in that was caught with a knife at another school earlier this year and was involved in the incident at HW Smith regarding the young girl. I'm wondering how many chance one gets in the district.
