- A potential gun at Danforth on Friday. We need to know whether there was a gun at school, was it report to the PD, what if any actions were taken.
- A domestic call to Franklin on Friday...
- An assault at ITC this morning
- A harassment call to Dr. King today
- A report of police sent to Henninger...
All reports will be confidential, as always.
The assault at ITC was 2 male students, one of the boys was hit in the head, possible concussion and an ambulance was called.
ReplyDeleteLet's really push hard to find out the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother incident: Student seriously slashed seats in one of our buses with a knife. That child was riding the bus with a weapon that could kill another child.
ReplyDeleteThe public will never even know a fraction of what is going on in the SCSD or how much the teachers are blamed for everything!
ReplyDeleteSo let's get the information to the press!
ReplyDeleteIncident at Nottingham today - bldg evacuated, families notified via email within 2 hours that students found and reported a note written in a bathroom, bldg was searched thoroughly, students returned to class. The words "bomb threat" were not used, but it was likely given the two bomb threats earlier this year. Handled well, in my opinion. Students will hopefully be reminded again of severity of making bomb threats, or actions of the sort.